Video - Paramount Pelagic, Pelagic Life, Mexico . . .

16.07.2013 09:30

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"Few times in our busy lives we have the privilege to witness nature at its fullest. On this trip everything was just happening. Baitballs with sailfish, striped marlin and even threshers. A pod of 100+ false orcas patrolling the off shore islands. Schooling Galapagos and Silver tip sharks in +30 numbers. Schooling yellow fin tuna by the hundreds. Schooling silkies in the +200 strong. Plus your usual pelagic visitors in these bio intense and bio diverse waters of Mexico. For more than a year we planed and named this trip Paramount Pelagic. I'm extremely thankful to the sea gods and the good vibes out there, that the trip was able to live up to that name. We are now starting to consolidate the amount of images needed to produce our ongoing project for a short documentary and book "Mexico Pelagico"."